


シンポジウム » 有機半導体デバイスの現在・過去・未来:光電変換を中心として

[17a-E402-1~3] 有機半導体デバイスの現在・過去・未来:光電変換を中心として

2023年3月17日(金) 10:30 〜 12:00 E402 (12号館)

吉田 郵司(産総研)

11:00 〜 11:30

[17a-E402-2] Organic semiconductors - from a lab curiosity to high-performance devices

Karl Leo1 (1.TU Dresden)

キーワード:organic semiconductors, transistors, solar cells

The research on organic electronics is driven by new applications using properties like flexibility, easy manufacturing, biocompatibility, etc. While OLED displays and organic solar cells are commercially successful, organic electronic circuits have not yet reached broad application, mainly since device performance is lacking.In this talk, I will review recent progress in organic semiconductors, leading to improved devices. One aspect are new approaches based on highly ordered organic multilayer structures which have the potential to increase device performance by orders of magnitude. Second, I will discuss improved organic solar cells and photodetectors.