


7 ビーム応用 » 7.1 X線技術

[17a-E502-1~13] 7.1 X線技術

2023年3月17日(金) 09:00 〜 12:30 E502 (12号館)

豊田 光紀(東京工芸大)、米山 明男(九州シンクロトロン光研究センター )、石野 雅彦(量研機構)

09:00 〜 09:15

[17a-E502-1] 石英基板に成膜したMo/SI多層膜ミラーの精密除去法

豊田 光紀1、横山 諒1、脇 俊太郎1、角館 俊行2、陳 軍1 (1.東京工芸大工、2.東北大多元研)


This work examined a novel etching procedure for the complete removal of Mo/Si multilayer coatings, as a means of reusing valuable mirror substrates employed in extreme ultraviolet imaging. A multilayer coating deposited on a fused silica substrate was etched with an alkaline solution containing potassium ferricyanide and sodium hydroxide, and the entire coating was removed within 60 min. The root mean square roughness and power spectrum density characteristics were subsequently assessed and the resulting values were equivalent to those before the deposition of the coating. These results demonstrate that such coatings can be removed while maintaining the original surface figure.