


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

[17p-D704-1~16] 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

2023年3月17日(金) 13:30 〜 18:15 D704 (11号館)

永沼 博(東北大)、浜屋 宏平(阪大)、伊藤 啓太(東北大)

14:15 〜 14:30

[17p-D704-3] CoFeVSb: A Promising Spintronic and Thermoelectric Material

〇(D)Jadupati Nag1,2、Yukimi Nishioka2、Yasumasa Takagi3、Akira Yasui3、Aftab Alam1、K. G. Suresh1、Akio Kimura2 (1.IIT Bombay、2.Hiroshima Univ.、3.JASRI)

キーワード:Spin-valve, Thermoelectric material, Photoemission

We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of a novel quaternary Heusler system CoFeVSb from the viewpoint of room temperature spintronics and thermoelectric applications. This alloy has a large room-temperature power factor (~ 0.62 mWatt/m/K2) and ultralow simulated lattice thermal conductivity (~ 0.4 W/m/K), making it a promising candidate for thermoelectric application. Resistivity measurements indicate half-metallic/semi-metallic nature. Double hysteresis loop along with asymmetry in the magnetoresistance (MR) data reveals room temperature spin-valve feature, which remains stable even at 300 K. Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) data also validates the semimetallic-like density of states (DoS), which further supports the theoretical findings. The coexistence of so many promising features in a single system is rare, and hence CoFeVSb gives a fertile platform to explore numerous applications in the future.