


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

[17p-D704-1~16] 10.1 新物質・新機能創成(作製・評価技術)

2023年3月17日(金) 13:30 〜 18:15 D704 (11号館)

永沼 博(東北大)、浜屋 宏平(阪大)、伊藤 啓太(東北大)

15:30 〜 15:45

[17p-D704-7] Minority-spin Dominated Band Structure of Fe4N Thin Films Revealed by Spin- and Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Karen Nakanishi1、Kiyotaka Ohwada1、Kenta Kuroda1、Kazuki Sumida2、Hitoshi Sato1、Koji Miyamoto1、Taichi Okuda1、Shinji Isogami3、Keisuke Masuda3、Yuya Sakuraba3,4、〇Akio Kimura1 (1.Hiroshima Univ.、2.JAEA、3.NIMS、4.PRESTO)

キーワード:Fe4N thin film, inverse TMR, spin-ARPES

The bulk band structure of in-situ prepared ferromagnetic Fe4N thin film has been studied by spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. It is found that most of the observed bands are of minority spin near the Fermi level, which well explains the inverse tunneling magnetoresistance and negative anisotropic magnetoresistance.