The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023

Presentation information

Oral presentation

CS Code-sharing session » 【CS.5】 Code-sharing Session of 6.5 & 7.6

[18a-D519-1~11] CS.5 Code-sharing Session of 6.5 & 7.6

Sat. Mar 18, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM D519 (Building No. 11)

Masahito Tagawa(Kobe Univ.), Masaru Takizawa(立命館大)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[18a-D519-5] Visualization of the domain boundary on a CVD monolayer graphene

SHINYA OHNO1, Yoshihide Aoyagi1, Akihiro Nagato1, Ryota Fujita1, Fumihiko Matsui2 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ., 2.IMS)

Keywords:graphene, photoelectron spectroscopy, organic thin films

Monolayer graphene produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been studied with photoelectron momentum microscope (PMM). We could visualize the domain boundary in terms of the electronic states, such as the momentum map at the K point. In general, visualization of the domain boundary on a CVD monolayer graphene is considered as a formidable task.For example, it is difficult to visualize it using atomic force microscope (AFM). We propose a simple method of the visualization by the deposition of organic molecules such as phthalocyanine and oligothiophene. We report on these methods as the visualization of the domain boundary.