11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
▲ [18a-D704-11] Current-induced domain-wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets with antisymmetric interlayer exchange coupling
Keywords:Interlayer exchange coupling, Domain-wall motion, Spin-orbit torque
Recently, the antisymmetric interlayer exchange coupling (antisymmetric IEC) was observed in the interlayer exchange-coupled multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy when its in-plane spatial inversion symmetry is broken. The net in-plane antisymmetric IEC effective field can be coupled with other in-plane fields, resulting in the field-free spin-orbit torque switching. The antisymmetric IEC also stabilizes a chiral domain-wall structure, which may affect the current-induced domain-wall motion. Here, we demonstrate the current-induced domain-wall motion in the non-wedged and wedged Pt/Co/Ir/Co/Pt films and investigates the relation between domain-wall motion and the antisymmetric IEC. By introducing a wedged structure, the enhancement of domain-wall velocity is achieved.