


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域(旧3.2「材料・機器光学」と統合)

[18p-A201-1~11] 3.1 光学基礎・光学新領域(旧3.2「材料・機器光学」と統合)

2023年3月18日(土) 13:00 〜 16:00 A201 (6号館)

名村 今日子(京大)、豊内 秀一(大阪公大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[18p-A201-7] Right- and left-handed optical torques acting on vanadium oxide particles

Pin Christophe1、Keiji Sasaki1 (1.RIES, Hokkaido Univ.)

キーワード:optical torque, vanadium dioxide, nonlinear optical force

Because of the fast insulator-to-metal phase transition of VO2, VO2 nanoparticles in water solution are optically trapped in orbit around a focused IR laser beam. For particles large enough that are optically trapped using a circularly polarized Gaussian beam, spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion results in the light spin-induced orbital rotation of the trapped particle, which enables controlling the rotation direction of the trapped particle. In this work, we conduct a more detailed investigation of the optical torque acting on trapped VO2 particles. First, we demonstrate that the phase transition causes a flip of the optical torque handedness for a given range of particle sizes. Second, we show that particles with different size, shape and/or material composition may experience optical torques with opposite handedness. We study how the heterogeneous material composition of vanadium oxide particles and clusters influences the handedness of the optical torque.