The 126th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Animal Science

Presentation information


5. 畜産物利用


Thu. Sep 19, 2019 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM 第II会場 (7番講義室)

座長:水野谷 航(麻布大獣)、北澤 春樹(東北大院農)

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM

[II-19-04] The effect of wet-aging periods on texture and protein of Ibaraki wagyu beef with different BMS.

*鬼澤 大海1、田中 宙生1、中安 健輔2、谷島 直樹2、小川 恭喜1、宮口 右二1 (1. 茨城大農、2. 茨城畜セ)

[Objective] Previously, we reported that Ibaraki wagyu beef (Hitachi-gyu) became softer after aging for 25 days than for 10 days. Although it is believed that marbling contributes to beef texture, there are few studies focusing on relations between beef texture and its indicator proteins during aging in beef with different marbling levels. In this study, we examined rheology properties and protein variations in aged Hitachi-gyu with different beef marbling scores (BMS). [Methods] A rib eye was collected from Hitachi-gyu with A4 grade (BMS 5 and 7), and aged at 2℃ for 10, 15, 25, 35 and 45 days after vacuum packaging. Thereafter, we conducted SDS-PAGE and texture analyses of beef. [Results] Texture analysis showed BMS 5 had a long periods than BMS 7 for tenderization of beef. SDS-PAGE analysis showed specific protein bands become thinner in beef with BMS 7. These results suggested that marbling levels would affect wagyu beef tenderization during aging.