JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020

Session information

Educational Seminar

[ES-17] Educational Seminar 17
Update COPD treatment

Sat. Sep 19, 2020 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Live Streaming

Chair:Takahide Nagase(The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan)

Sponsored by: AstraZeneca K.K.

In this seminar, we will introduce the latest developments in the treatment of COPD. Dr. Shibata will discuss "Practical Treatment of Asthma-COPD Overlap" touching upon points used for identification of asthma complications in COPD patients and the significance of early treatment. After that, Dr. Takahashi will introduce key points in the selection of LAMA/LABA, ICS/LABA, and triple-combination therapy for COPD patients, in the presentation entitled “Evidence-based Selection of Inhalation Therapeutics”. Dr. Takahashi will also present the results of the latest phase III international clinical trial, the “ETHOS trial”, of Breztri for which restrictions on treatment duration will be lifted from October 2020.