JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020

Presentation information

Poster Session


[PE27] Poster Session 27
Other skin diseases 2

[PE27-6] Daily emollients and protective gloves for treatment of hand eczema: an open-labeled pilot study in medical professionals

Sayaka Kuwatsuka1, Yutaka Kuwatsuka1, Saori Tomimura1, Motoi Takenaka1, Yoko Terasaka2, Koichi Izumikawa2, Yoshitomo Morinaga3,4, Katsunori Yanagihara3, Hiroyuki Murota1 (1.Department of Dermatology, Nagasaki University Hospital, Japan, 2.Infection Control and Education Center, Nagasaki University Hospital, Japan, 3.Department of Laboratory Medicine, Nagasaki University Hospital, Japan, 4.Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama, Japan)

The password to see abstracts was announced to registrants by email.
