JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020

Presentation information

Poster Session

Internal Medicine

[PE12] Poster Session 12
Case report: clinical immunology

[PE12-14] Lung granulomatous disease in a patient with GATA2 mutation

Motoko Yasutomi1, Taihei Hayashi1, Koji Suzuki1, Genrei Ohta1, Yasuhiro Watanabe4, Toshihiro Takeda2, Akitoshi Okada3, Yusei Ohshima1 (1.Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan, 2.Third Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan, 3.Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Fukui, Japan, 4.Department of Pediatrics, Fukui Red Cross Hospital, Japan)

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