JSA/WAO Joint Congress 2020

Presentation information

Poster Session

Internal Medicine

[PE1] Poster Session 1
Adult airway diseases

[PE1-18] Investigation of the number of oral bacteria and the conditions of asthma, COPD, and ACO

Toshiya Inui1, Yukiko Abe1, Tatsuya Shirai1, Kouzo Suhara1, Maya Tsuchiya1, Takayasu Watanabe1, Mitsuru Sada1, Atsuto Mouri1, Shinkichi Iwanari2, Mitsuhiro Kamimura1 (1.Pulmonology Department, National Hospital Organization Disaster Medical Center, Japan, 2.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Hospital Organization Disaster Medical Center, Japan)

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