The 92nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

Digital Poster

[DP08] 生態

Tue. Apr 23, 2019 12:50 PM - 1:30 PM Degital Poster Zone B (1F Main Hall (Poster Session/Exhibition))

座長:東 秀明(北海道大学)

[DP08-02(P-064)] Effects of SCFAs on fimbrillin-dependent attachment and colonization of Actinomyces oris

鈴木 到1,2, 清水 武彦2, 大西 真1, 泉福 英信1 (1.Dept. Bacteriol. I, Natl. Inst. Infect. Dis., 2.Dept. Pediatric Dent. Nihon Univ. Sch. of Dent. at Matsudo.)

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