The 92nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

Digital Poster

[DP11] 抗菌性物質・薬剤耐性

Tue. Apr 23, 2019 1:55 PM - 3:10 PM Degital Poster Zone C (1F Main Hall (Poster Session/Exhibition))

座長:平井 到(琉球大学)

[DP11-15(P-324)] Alternative Helicobacter pylori regimen in Indonesian with High Metronidazole and Levofloxacin Resistance

Langgeng Waskito1, Muhammad Miftahussurur2, Ari Syam3, Yudith Rezkitha3, 山岡 吉生1 (1.Dept. Environmental and Preventive Med., Faculty Med., Oita Univ., 2.Institute of Tropical Disease, Univ. Airlangga, 3.Dept. Internal Med., Faculty Med., Univ. Indonesia)

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