The 92nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

Digital Poster

[DP13] 遺伝・ゲノミクス・バイオテクノロジー

Tue. Apr 23, 2019 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM Degital Poster Zone B (1F Main Hall (Poster Session/Exhibition))

座長:山口 博之(北海道大学)

[DP13-07(P-149)] Developing a method for tail-to-tail gene profiling

加藤 明宣1, 北田 泰平1, 谷川 淳也1, 兼崎 友2, 吉川 博文3, Eduardo Groisman4 (1.Dept of Adv Biosci, Kindai Univ, 2.NGRC, Tokyo Univ of Agric, 3.Dept of Biosci, Tokyo Univ of Agric, 4.Dept of Microbiol Pathol, Yale Univ Sch of Med)

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