The 92nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

Digital Poster

[DP29] 遺伝・ゲノミクス・バイオテクノロジー

Wed. Apr 24, 2019 4:10 PM - 4:50 PM Degital Poster Zone B (1F Main Hall (Poster Session/Exhibition))

座長:長谷部 晃(北海道大学)

[DP29-04(P-153)] Analysis of Clostridium acetobutylicum cellulosomal genes using C. perfringens T7 expression system

川畑 博暉1, 澤入 駿哉1, 成谷 宏文2, 森山 龍一1, 宮田 茂1 (1.Grad. Sch. Biosci. Biotech., Chubu Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Biosphere Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 3.Grad. Sch. Biosphere Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)

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