The 92nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information


[WS05] レジオネラをめぐる新展開

Wed. Apr 24, 2019 3:20 PM - 5:20 PM Room 2 (1F Mid-sized Hall)

コンビーナー:永井 宏樹(岐阜大学)、倉 文明(国立感染症研究所)

[WS05-03] Legionella-resistant S13WT amoebae rely on its bacterial endosymbiont to backpack human pathogenic bacteria

大久保 寅彦1, 松尾 淳司2, 中村 眞二3, 山口 博之1 (1.Fac. Health Sci., Hokkaido Univ., 2.Health Sci. Univ. Hokkaido, 3.Div. Biomed. Imag. Res., Juntendo Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.)

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