The 94th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

On-demand Presentation

3 Microbial Structure and Physiology

[ODP3A] a. Cell Surface Structure, Membrane Structure, and Cytoskeleton

[ODP-028] Association of FtsZ with the intrabacterial nanotransportation system for Helicobacter pylori urease

○Hong Wu1, Shouichi Takayama1, Shoichi Sakaguchi1, Noritaka Iwai2, Youichi Suzuki1, Takashi Nakano1 (1Dept. Microbiology and Infection Control, Osaka Medical College, 2Grad. Sch. Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Helicobacter pylori possesses intrabacterial nanotransportation system (ibNoTS) for transporting CagA, VacA, and urease within the bacterial cytoplasm, which is controlled by the extrabacterial environment. The route of ibNoTS for CagA is reported to be associated with the MreB filament, whereas the route of ibNoTS for urease is not yet known. In this study, we demonstratedshowed by immunoelectron microscopy that urease along the route of ibNoTS localizes closely with the FtsZ filament in the bacterium. Supporting this, we found by enzyme immunoassay analysis and co-immunoprecipitation analysis that urease interacts interacted with FtsZ. These findings indicate that urease along the route of ibNoTS is closely associated with the FtsZ filament. Since these phenomena associations were not observed in ibNoTS for CagA, the route of ibNoTS for CagA is considered to be different from that of ibNoTS for urease. We propose that the route of ibNoTS for urease is associated with the FtsZ filament in Helicobacter pylori.