


3 微生物の構造・生理

[ODP3C] c. その他(分子論以外はこちらに)

[ODP-037] クライオTEM観察によるMycobacteroides属における種間基礎形態の比較検討

○山田 博之1,近松 絹代1,青野 昭男1,村田 和義2,宮崎 直幸3,香山 容子2,5,藤原 永年4,前田 伸司5,御手洗 聡1 (1結核研・抗酸菌,2生理研,3筑波大,4帝塚山大,5北海道科学大)

In 2018, novel genera were emended in the family Mycobacteriaceae. One of the genus Mycobacteriodes contains 6 species with 3 subspecies. These species share 24 conserved signature peptides and 27 conserved signature indels, and, therefore, closely related in the phyletic affinity each other. In this study, the fundamental cell morphologies of these species were examined with whole-mount cryo-TEM. Cell diameter, cell length, cell perimeter, circularity and aspect ratio were measured with ImageJ/Fiji software and compared between species. In 75 comparisons, there were no significant differences between Mycobacteroides abscessus subsp. bolletti and M. abscessus subsp. massiliense. Also, there were no significant differences between M. immunogenum and M. salmoniphilum in the cell length and perimeter. In addition, there were no significant differences between M. abscessus subspecies and M. immunogenum in circularity and aspect ratio. However, in all other 57 comparisons, there were significant differences. Especially, M. chelonae was found to be distinct from other species because all comparisons were significant.