The 94th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Bacteriology

Presentation information

On-demand Presentation

5 Pathogens and Infectious Diseases (including Epidemiology)

[ODP5E] e. Others

[ODP-112] Interfering effect of wound exudates on 222 nm-UVC light protects fibroblast in dermal damaged site

○Kouji Narita1,2, Yukihiro Morimoto3,4,5, Hiroyuki Ohashi4, Tatsushi Igarashi4, Krisana Asano2,3, Akio Nakane3 (1Inst. for Animal Exp., Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med., 2Dept. Microbiol. and Immunol., Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 3Dept. Biopolymer and Health Sci., Hirosaki Univ. Grad. Sch. Med., 4Ushio Inc., 5Inst. of Scientific and Industrial Res., Osaka Univ.)

Ultraviolet C (UVC) elicits anti-microbial property. 254 nm-UVC generating lamp is used as germicidal devices. However, 254 nm-UVC is carcinogenic and cataractogenic through DNA damage in dermal keratinocytes. We recently reported that 222 nm-UVC has the same level of germicidal effect as 254 nm-UVC against pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Different from 254 nm-UVC, 222 nm-UVC is harmless to keratinocytes because penetration of the light into the skin is blocked in stratum corneum. Therefore, 222 nm-UVC is harmless to dermis. However, impact of 222 nm-UVC to fibroblasts exposed to body surface in dermal defect site is not clarified. 222 nm- and 254 nm-UVC irradiation induced cytopathic effect to primary normal human dermal fibroblast cells, but fibroblasts covered with thin layer of 10% fetal calf serum were protected from 222 nm-UVC but not 254 nm-UVC. Irradiation with 254 nm-UVC induces cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) in dermal damaged sites of the fibroblast, but 222 nm-UVC did not induce the CPD in fibroblasts. However, when 222 nm-UVC irradiation was performed under flow of PBS to eliminate wound exudate, CPD was detected in fibroblasts in wound. These results indicate that the 222 nm-UVC light irradiation is harmless to skin wound because the light is interfered by wound exudates.