


[S4] 病原細菌と宿主免疫の鬩ぎ合い

2021年3月24日(水) 09:15 〜 11:45 チャンネル1

コンビーナー:久堀 智子(岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科),日吉 大貴(長崎大学熱帯医学研究所)

[S4-6] ネズミチフス菌のエフェロサイトーシスを利用した好中球内での生存戦略

○日吉 大貴1,2,Tamding Wangdi2,Lillian F. Zhang2,羽田 健3,Andreas J. Bäumler2 (1長崎大・熱研,2カリフォルニア大学デービス校,3北里大)

Intracellular pathogens commonly reside within macrophages to find shelter from defenses that target extracellular bacteria, such as neutrophils. However, little is known about how intracellular pathogens avoid neutrophil-mediated killing when macrophage cell death exposes them to the extracellular milieu. Here we show that during macrophage cell death, the intracellular pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar (S.) Typhimurium uses a type III secretion system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (T3SS-2) to perforate the membrane of the Salmonella containing vacuole, thereby allowing complement deposition on the surface of bacteria entrapped in the cellular debris of the deceased host cell. In turn, complement activation by bacteria within the pore-induced intracellular traps (PITs) attracts neutrophils that use efferocytosis to internalize macrophage cellular debris containing viable bacteria. However, unlike extracellular bacteria, bacteria entrapped in PITs are sheltered from the neutrophil respiratory burst generated during efferocytosis, thereby enabling S. Typhimurium to evade neutrophil-mediated killing in a T3SS-2-dependent fashion. Collectively, this work identifies T3SS-2-induced perforation of the Salmonella-containing vacuole of macrophages as a new virulence strategy to subvert neutrophil-mediated host defenses.