


[SS] 新型コロナに立ち向かう細菌学会が成すべき行動と変革

2021年3月23日(火) 19:00 〜 21:00 チャンネル4

コンビーナー:菊池 賢(東京女子医科大学),松下 治(岡山大学)

[SS1] 新型コロナに立ち向かう細菌学会が成すべき行動と変革

○菊池 賢 (東京女子医大)

One year has passed since the appearance of COVID-19 on the earth. The number of patients infected and died by this emergent infectious disease reached over 0.38 million and 5600 people in Japan, and the state of emergency was declared. The COVID-19 takes away everyday life and forces us to change medical, political, economical, educational, cultural and social actions. The COVID-19 is an acute respiratory infection caused by a new species of Corona virus much unelucidated. As this disease changes human immune system and microbiome, it affects some bacterial, mycobacterial or fungal infections, and may trigger nosocomial infections or spreads antimicrobial resistance. The Japanese Society for Bacteriology of which mission is basic research, epidemiological analysis, and education, has to respond these serious problems. In this symposium, we will discuss the strategy, future prospect for COVID-19 and the associated bacterial phenomenon.