


[WCB] 若手研究者による最先端研究:細菌学の明日を切り拓く若人たちの発想と挑戦、今此処に!

2021年3月23日(火) 16:00 〜 21:00 チャンネル2

コンビーナー:山口 雅也(大阪大学),山崎 聖司(大阪大学),高野 智弘(国立感染症研究所),一色 理乃(早稲田大学)

共催:細菌学若手コロッセウム 準備委員会

[WCB-12] マウス咳発症モデルを用いた百日咳の咳発作発症機構の解明

○平松 征洋1,鈴木 孝一朗2,西田 隆司1,堀口 安彦1 (1阪大・微研・分子細菌学,2(一財)阪大微生物病研究会)

Pertussis (whooping cough), a contagious respiratory disease caused by Bordetella pertussis, is characterized by paroxysmal coughing, but the mechanism of pertussis cough has not been studied because of a lack of versatile animal models that reproduce the cough. Here we present a mouse model that reproduces coughing, which was checked by characteristic sound waveforms and the postures of mice, after intranasal inoculation with the bacteria or its components. We found that lipooligosaccharide (LOS), pertussis toxin (PTx), and Vag8 of the bacteria cooperatively function to cause the coughing. The analyses for cough-evoking pathway revealed the mechanism of pertussis cough as follows. (1) LOS stimulates bradykinin (Bdk) generation by the kallikrein-kinin system through interaction with toll-like receptor 4. (2) Vag8 accelerates the Bdk generation by inhibiting C1 esterase inhibitor, which is the major negative regulator of the kallikrein-kinin system. (3) Bdk sensitizes a transient receptor potential ion channel, TRPV1, which acts as a sensor to evoke the cough reflex. (4) PTx inhibits intrinsic negative regulation systems for TRPV1 through the inactivation of Gi GTPases. Consequently, TRPV1 is left in the sensitized state to readily the nervous excitation to evoke coughing. Our findings provide a basis to answer long-standing questions on the pathophysiology of pertussis cough.