


[YRS3] 異分野融合研究の推進

2021年3月24日(水) 09:15 〜 11:45 チャンネル2

コンビーナー:玉井 栄治(松山大学),内山 淳平(麻布大学)

[YRS3-5] がん光免疫療法を基盤とした新たな抗感染療法の開発, Part 1

○光永 眞人1,小林 久隆2 (1東京慈恵会医科大学 内科学講座 消化器・肝臓内科,2Molecular Imaging Branch, CCR, NCI, NIH)

Mainstays of cancer treatment include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Additionally, many molecular targeted agents, such as monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and tyrosine kinase inhibitors, lead to improved survival outcomes of patients with cancer. However, newer treatments are required to improve patient outcomes. Molecular imaging is a novel medical imaging technique that provides details of changes occurring at the molecular and cellular levels. Photoimmunotherapy, based on optical molecular imaging is a newly developed cancer theranostic modality (a combinatorial diagnostic and therapeutic approach), which utilizes photosensitizer-mAb conjugates and near-infrared light (Mitsunaga, Kobayashi et al. Nat Med 2011). A first-in-human clinical trial of photoimmunotherapy with the epidermal growth factor receptor-targeting cetuximab-IR700 (RM-1929) began in 2015, and a global Phase 3 clinical trial is underway in patients with recurrent head and neck cancer. We discuss mechanisms and recent updates on photoimmunotherapy for cancer.