


[ODP2] 1. 分類・疫学・感染症-b. 疫学・分子疫学

[ODP-007] 2021年に沖縄で分離された淋菌の薬剤耐性状況

中尾 浩史1,上原 安紀子1,仲田 聡明2,高良 富頌2,金城 大樹1 (1琉球大・医・保・分子遺伝,2那覇市医師会生活習慣病検診センター)

Background: Gonorrhea is listed as one of the prioritized sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that requires global action for control. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) has progressively developed resistance to many of previously effective antimicrobials. Because NG infections are not fully reportable in Japan, only limited data on disease epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns are available. It is necessary to continuously investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility of NG. We report that of NG isolates in Okinawa compared with last year’s results.
Methods: NG isolates in Okinawa prefecture collected from January to October 2021 were identified by MALDI-TOF and HN-20 rapid Nissui, and tested for susceptibility to 7 drugs by standard agar dilution method according to Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) methods.
Results: Of the total 14 isolates, resistance susceptibility to CPFX were most common, of which 50.0 % showed resistant strains, as in last year. Four of antibiotics tested were effective, and the percentage of resistant strains degreased compared to last year.
Conclusions: Some strains were found to be resistant to CPFX, PCG, and TC, but were susceptible to the other four antibiotics. The resistance rate was lower than that of last year and the strains were susceptible to the drugs used in clinical practice.