


[S12] シンポジウム12

2022年3月31日(木) 16:00 〜 18:30 チャンネル4

コンビーナー:山崎 伸二(大阪府立大学),藤永 由佳子(金沢大学)


[S12-3] インド・コルカタ地域でのコレラ症の拡散に関する研究

岡本 敬の介 (岡山大・インド感染症共同研究センター)

Kolkata area has been said to be hot-bed area of cholera. Cholera patients emerge throughout the year in Kolkata area. In addition, the emergence of cholera patients is sporadic and a collective outbreak in certain areas has not been generated in the Kolkata area. This indicates the Kolkata area is suitable for surviving of Vibrio cholerae O1. Then, we studied the habitat of V. cholerae O1 in the Kolkata region. First, we investigated the surviving of V. cholerae O1 in the environmental water of Kolkata area. We found that both groundwater and pond water in Kolkata area contain higher amounts of ions compared than those of Japanese water and that V. cholerae O1 survived for long time in the groundwater from Kolkata. This indicates that the environmental water of Kolkata is suitable for surviving of V. cholerae O1. Subsequently, we analyzed the stools of both diarrhea patients and healthy persons in the vicinity of cholera patients using the metagenomic sequencing. The result showed that V. cholerae often causes subclinical infections in Kolkata residents. The subclinical infections appeared to be associated with the spread of cholera disease in the Kolkata region.