


[W6] ワークショップ6

2022年3月30日(水) 16:00 〜 18:00 チャンネル4

コンビーナー:川端 重忠(大阪大学),大原 直也(岡山大学)

[W6-3/ODP-125] Aeromonasセリンプロテアーゼのタイトジャンクションの破壊は菌の上皮バリア透過を引き起こす

小林 秀丈1,清家 総史1,高橋 栄造2,岡本 敬の介3,山中 浩泰1 (1広島国際大・薬・分子微生物科学,2横浜薬科大・感染予防学,3岡山大学院・医歯薬・インド感染症共同研究センター)

Aeromonas sobria is a pathogen causing food-borne illness. In immunocompromised patients and the elderly, A. sobria opportunistically leads to severe extraintestinal diseases. When A. sobria causes such an extraintestinal infection, the pathogen must pass through the intestinal epithelial barrier. Using intestinal cultured cells (T84 cells), we previously observed that an A. sobria strain with higher serine protease (ASP) production markedly caused bacterial translocation across the T84 intestinal epithelial monolayer. We also observed that ASP acts on adherens junctions (AJs) of T84 cells and causes the destruction of both nectin-2 and afadin. However, not only AJs but also tight junctions (TJs), gap junctions (GPs), and desmosomes contribute to cell-cell junctions of intestinal epithelial cells. Herein, we further investigated the effect of ASP on TJs in T84 cells, and we observed that ASP acts on TJs and causes the destruction of ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, and claudin-7. We therefore propose that ASP may cause a disruption of the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium as a whole due to the destruction of both TJs and AJs, and that ASP promotes the invasion of the pathogens from the intestinal epithelium into the deep parts of the human body.