


[English session] Nuclear structure to modulate chromatin potential

2022年6月28日(火) 17:00 〜 19:30 A会場 (瑞雲)

Organizers: Yasushi Hiraoka (Osaka University), Tokuko Haraguchi (Osaka University)

Regulation of gene expression via chromatin potential is important for biological phenomena, such as proliferation, development and differentiation. Nuclear structures (the nuclear envelope, the nuclear pore complex, nuclear lamina, RNA bodies, protein complexes, etc.) act as machinery to control the chromatin potential. This symposium introduces recent studies to elucidate the chromatin potential from the viewpoint of nuclear structures.

Opening remarks (17:00 〜 17:03)

17:03 〜 17:21

*Noriko Yasuhara1, Kazuya Jibiki1, Takashi S Kodama2, Noriko Shibazaki1, Ken-ichi Akagi3, Noriko Saito4, Yoshihiro Yoneda5, Chojiro Kojima2, Toshimichi Fujiwara2 (1. Department of Life Science College of Humanities and Science, Nihon University, 2. Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, 3. RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, 4. The Cancer Institute Of JFCR, 5. NIBIOHN)

Closing remarks (19:27 〜 19:30)