


[English session] Chromosome structure and genome modality

2022年6月29日(水) 09:30 〜 12:00 A会場 (瑞雲)

Organizers: Kazuhiro Maeshima (National Institute of Genetics), Tomoko Nishiyama (Nagoya University)

Recent technology developments in imaging and genome sequencing have uncovered novel mitotic chromosome or interphase chromatin structures in higher order. In this symposium, we will explore the chromosome structures, the dynamics, and the relationship with cellular functions and diseases. It will provide an interdisciplinary discussion of the genome structures from multiple views including mathematics, biochemistry, cell biology, and bioinformatics.

11:44 〜 12:00

*Satoru Ide1,2, Asuka Sasaki1,2, Yusuke Kawamoto3, Toshikazu Bando3, Hiroshi Sugiyama3, Kazuhiro Maeshima1,2 (1. National Institute of Genetics, Department of Chromosome Science, 2. the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, School of Life Science, 3. Kyoto University, Department of Chemistry)