Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 土木教育一般

土木教育一般 (5)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM CS-3 (幸町南6号館 第4講義室)

座長:菊 雅美(岐阜工業高等専門学校)

[CS1-32] Importance and Practice of Accounting for University Students in Engineering

*西山 孝樹1、天野 光一1、横沢 和夫2 (1. 日本大学、2. 持続可能な社会基盤研究会)

Keywords:Engineer, Accounting, Financial Statements, Rating System, Group Discussion

The abilities to utilize financial indicators to develop the future business of a company and to determine its financial soundness are now considered essential for engineers. However, in science and engineering-related university education, students are still given little or no opportunity to learn the basics of accounting within the context of corporate management. In this study, we present the contents of a lecture entitled “Accounting for Planners,” which the authors have delivered in the Department of Town Planning and Design and the Department of Transportation Systems Engineering at the College of Science and Technology, Nihon University.

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