Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 我が国におけるBIM/CIMの将来展望

我が国におけるBIM/CIMの将来展望 (1)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM CS-5 (幸町研究交流棟 6F第一講義室)

座長:加藤 雅彦(株式会社長大)

[CS11-02] 3-D model application to a methodology of motorway bridge maintenance aiming at better visualization of inspection data archive

*井上 裕司1、前田 憲治2、谷野 知伸3、武内 雄司3、宮澤 啓之3、矢野 裕1 (1. 中央復建コンサルタンツ、2. 中日本高速道路、3. 中日本ハイウェイ・エンジニアリング東京)

Keywords:3-D model, Construction Information Modeling, Building Information Modeling, bridge maintenance, broad consensus, improvement of productivity

This is a pilot study of 3-D model application to a methodology of motorway bridge maintenance so that we can easily visualize our extensive data archive linked with the detailed image. Also this methodical approach will help us correctly locate the damage and diagnose the bridge condition on a structural basis.

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