Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 地震工学(地震応答解析,強震動予測,地盤振動,地盤液状化,断層変位,災害調査・解析,地震・津波防災)


Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM CS-1 (幸町南6号館 第2講義室)

座長:一井 康二(関西大学)

[CS12-30] A damage analysis on telecommunication conduit in Mashiki due to the Kumamoto Earthquake

*奥津 大1、伊藤 陽1、庄司 学2、鈴木 崇伸3 (1. 日本電信電話株式会社、2. 筑波大学、3. 東洋大学)

Keywords:Kumamoto Earthquake , telecommunication conduit, surface ruptures

The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake was a major earthquake with a maximum seismic intensity of 7, and many houses and lifeline were damaged. Many communication conduits that house underground communication cables have been damaged, mostly on old standard joints with low earthquake resistance, and repair work is still being carried out. In this study, relation between communication conduit damage and the position of the surface earthquake fault in the Mashiki area where the strong motion was observed are described.

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