Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 土木分野におけるデジタルアーカイブと利活用

土木分野におけるデジタルアーカイブと利活用 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM CS-4 (幸町研究交流棟 5F会議室)

座長:原口 征人(北海道開発技術センター)

[CS13-03] About construction utilization of visual information such as image and photograph

*漆舘 直1、西川 充1、須田 清隆2、可児 憲生3、横山 隆明4、金井 理5 (1. 株式会社 堀口組、2. 株式会社 環境風土テクノ、3. 可児建設 株式会社、4. 立命館大学、5. 北海道大学)

Keywords:The video, Photo, Construction utilization of visual information, Productivity improvement

This report summarizes the results of examining how to utilize visual information such as images and photographs for construction management. The trial verifies the efficiency of visualization and quantification of the construction site. In particular, it is explained that high-quality, high-definition images become common when 4K and 8K cameras become widespread, and more detailed information acquisition becomes possible.

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