Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] International Session(国際セッション)

International Session 国際セッション (5)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM CS-2 (幸町南6号館 第3講義室)

座長:横山 隆明(立命館大学)

[CS2-16] Examination of reconstruction 3D models from photogrammetry

*エルシャフィ アブドララハマン1、可児 憲生2,1、須田 清隆2、本田 陽一2、西川 充3 (1. 可児建設㈱、2. 株式会社環境風土テクノ、3. 株式会社堀口組)

Keywords:3D reconstruction, 3D modeling, CIM, ICT

There is a growing need for 3D reconstruction from photogrammetry in the civil engineering field for various purposes such as CIM , progress tracking, ICT etc. This report summarizes the results of a case study and a verification of 3D reconstruction using photogrammetry for construction management of Hokkaido earthwork construction site for the purpose of efficiency and productivity improvement of construction work under the visual-construction approach. The results show that 3D models from photogrammetry is an effective tool for progress tracking in the construction of earthwork and is much more effective than the 3D model from CAD data.

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