Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術

道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 12:40 PM - 2:10 PM CS-5 (幸町研究交流棟 6F第一講義室)

座長:東山 浩士(近畿大学)

[CS8-08] Experimental Study on fatigue resistance of the floor plate with a splicing out was subjected to concrete pavement on the upper surface

*伊藤 清志1、阿部 忠2、児玉 孝喜1、小堺 規行3、深川 克彦4 (1. 鹿島道路(株)、2. 日本大学、3. 住友大阪セメント(株)、4. (株)オーシャン)

Keywords:RC slab, Replacement RC slab, Concrete base layer, Fatigue resistance, High durability adhesive

Fifty years have passed since the construction of the road bridge RC slab built during the period of high economic growth, and aging is progressing. However, it is designed with 245kN (25tf) after revision of the road bridge specification book and the commentary. For this reason, development of replacement floor version is urgently needed from re-deterioration of reinforced RC slab and B live load correspondence specified in the present specification. Therefore, in this research, we propose a concrete pavement technology applied with adhesive using replacement RC slabs with gaps, carry out wheel load running fatigue experiments, and verify the pavement effect and fatigue resistance.

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