Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術

道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM CS-5 (幸町研究交流棟 6F第一講義室)

座長:佐藤 貢一(奈良建設)

[CS8-14] Non-destructive Inspection of Concrete Bridge Deck Using Horn Antennae

*青池 邦夫1、田中 正吾2、高瀬 尚人1、松山 明男1、山内 政也1、宇野 嘉伯1 (1. 応用地質、2. 山口大学名誉教授)

Keywords:road bridge, concrete slab, deterioration, GPR, horn antenna

We have developed anomaly mapping system for the upper plane of concrete slab in road bridges using horn antennae. We acquired in advance concrete slab top reflection waveform from an experiment using a real size physical model. The system detected the arrival time and the relative amplitude of concrete slab top reflection waveform comparing experimental waveform with recieved signal.We applied the system to a real road bridge and detected some anomalies. Near future, we are going to verify the condition of concrete slab after excavation for repairing.

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