Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

[共通セッション] 道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術

道路橋床版の点検診断と長寿命化技術 (3)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM CS-5 (幸町研究交流棟 6F第一講義室)

座長:小松 怜史(電力中央研究所)

[CS8-22] Durability of repair material in cross-section repair method of floor top surface constructed on actual bridge

*勝呂 翔平1、渡邉 晋也1、原田 拓也2、長谷 俊彦2 (1. 日本建設機械施工協会 施工技術総合研究所、2. 高速道路総合技術研究所)

Keywords:RC Slab, Partial repair, repair material, Physical property investigation, Adhesion strength

Concrete floor slabs in road bridges are often damaged among components, and in particular, top floor concrete is exposed to traffic load and is in a severe environment such as rainwater and salt entering from above the bridge . Generally, in the case where deterioration damage occurs on the upper surface of RC floor slabs, partial repair is performed using a cross-section repair material. With regard to the cross-section repair material used for partial repair, in order to ensure the durability of the concrete floor slab, integrity with the floor slab is considered to be important, and a standard is established in the NEXCO Construction Management Guidelines 1).

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