[I-339] Fatigue crack initiation condition of non-load-carrying cruciform joint with weld toe improved in fatigue strength
Keywords:Fatigue, HFMI, Residual stress, Weld toe, Root of weldjoint
Weld joints having treated weld toe by peening such as HFMI have sometimes relatively low fatigue strength when the crack occur from weld root side due to the improvement of fatigue strength at the weld toe only.
The authors' group discussed the cause of the changing in initiation site of fracture from the toe or from the root by the results of FE analisys, and shows that fatigue fracture from the root origin tends to occur particularly on the joint with short weld toe.
The authors' group discussed the cause of the changing in initiation site of fracture from the toe or from the root by the results of FE analisys, and shows that fatigue fracture from the root origin tends to occur particularly on the joint with short weld toe.
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