Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


土砂移動・河床変動 (3)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM II-3 (幸町北3号館 332講義室)

座長:岩崎 理樹(北海道大学)

[II-214] Analysis of flusing of the river mouth sandbar by the 2014 Flood of the Monobe River

*立山 政樹1、久保 宜之2、バック シー ハイ3、竹村 吉晴4、福岡 捷二4 (1. 建設技術研究所、2. 国土交通省 高知河川国道事務所、3. 中央大学大学院、4. 中央大学研究開発機構)

Keywords:the Monobe River, flood flows, rivermouth sandbars, gravel-bed river, Q3D-FEBS

In this paper, we analyzed the flashing of river mouth sandbar by the 2014 flood of the Monobe River, and examined the opening mechanism of the river mouth. The flushing of the sandbar consisting of sand and gravels does not occur in a short time due to the flow overflowing the rsandbars, but is caused by sidebank erosion gradually.

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