Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM II-2 (幸町北3号館 331講義室)

座長:田渡 竜乃介(パシフィックコンサルタンツ株式会社)

[II-54] Study on sand boil due to under seepage flow during a flood

*栗原 克幸1、福岡 捷二2、田端 幸輔2 (1. 中央大学大学院、2. 中央大学研究開発機構)

Keywords:Seepage Flow number SFn, similarity condition, under seepage flow, sand boil, quicksand, Seepage Flow number at the time of the quicksand

In this study, we derive the risk of the sand boil index: SFnqs (Seepage Flow number at the time of the quicksand) by using the general dynamic index governing the seepage flow: SFn (Seepage Flow number) and the condition of quicksand. Furthermore, indicate that whether SFnqs corresponding to the dynamic similarity condition by applying the model experiment of levee and the local levee or not. Finally, examine the relationship between SFnqs and degree of sand boil.

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