Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


斜面 (4)

Tue. Sep 3, 2019 4:40 PM - 6:10 PM III-4 (幸町北4号館 415講義室)

座長:北爪 貴史(東電設計株式会社)

[III-110] Temporary two-lane, two-way traffic operation for Kochi Expressway after the heavy rain in July 2018

*平田 恭介1、安松谷 隆之1 (1. 西日本高速道路(株))

Keywords:Temporary two-lane, two-way traffic operation, Safety measures, Traffic congestion measures, Temporary LED information board, Bluetooth, Information service of the time to destinations

In July 2018, heavy rain washed away the girder of Tajikawa Bridge on the inbound line between Shingu I.C. and Otoyo I.C. of Kochi Expressway.
We planned immediately two-lane, two-way operation using the remaining outbound line and implemented it, together with necessary safety measures, to be able to reopen the temporary road service 6 days after the damage.
To mitigate traffic congestion in the two-lane, two-way traffic operation, we provided the drivers with information through various media such as traffic jam forecast and predicted time to destinations.

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