Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


避難行動・計画 (1)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 12:40 PM - 2:10 PM IV-2 (幸町北4号館 432講義室)

座長:玉置 哲也(香川大学創造工学部)

[IV-127] Trial of disaster imagination game and 3dimensional disaster mitigation map at Yamashita school zone in Kagoshima City

*福田 直三1、富山 開正2、緒方 善子2、重田 安廣2、本慶 武明2、前田 正幸2、郷 龍志1、安永 敏浩1、禧久 伸男1、児玉 史彦1 (1. 株式会社新日本技術コンサルタント、2. 山下校区コミュニティ協議会)

Keywords:resional disaster prevention, disaster prevention game, hazard map, 3 dimensional disaster mitigation map

In recent years, disasters are intensifying and at the time of the disaster, there were a lot of human damages caused by the evacuation delay. To solve such problems, using the method of Disaster Imagination Game at the Yamashita school zone in Kagoshima city, a disaster mitigation map by region-based, and a 3 dimensional map of disaster information to improve the image of the impact of disasters were made.

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