Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 2:55 PM - 4:25 PM IV-2 (幸町北4号館 432講義室)

座長:松本 浩和(計量計画研究所)

[IV-49] A Study on Undergraduate Students' Intentions on Car Ownership in their Nurturing Periods in the Future

*髙橋 凌太1、泊 尚志1 (1. 東北工業大学)

Keywords:Car ownership intention, Nurturing rearing period, Undergraduate student

This study examines undergraduate students’ intentions on car ownership assuming their future nurturing period and the influence of an opportunity to consider conditions car ownership and public transportation use on the intentions. As a result, it is found that the two factors have a positive correlation between preference of public transportation useand a sufficient public transportation condition in their residence area in their nurturing periods in the future. Also, car ownership intentions are expected to be reduced if they have an opportunity to consider conditions of car ownership and public transportation use.

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