Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Thu. Sep 5, 2019 12:40 PM - 2:10 PM IV-1 (幸町北4号館 428講義室)

座長:兵頭 知(日本大学)

[IV-92] Survey on Transportation of Carry-on Baggage on an Escalator

*元田 良孝1、宇佐美 誠史1 (1. 岩手県立大学)

Keywords:Escalator, Carry-on Baggage, Safety

A carry-on baggage is convenient to carry heavy items. However, it should be handled carefully on an escalator because it might fall down and damge other passengers. The passengers with carry-on baggages in the escalator were observed at several train stations in Tokyo. As a result, major passengers put the baggages in front of them either on up or down escalator. There were more than 10% of passengers with carry-on baggage who didn't grasp the handle of carry-on baggage while they were on the escalator.

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