Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Thu. Sep 5, 2019 2:25 PM - 3:55 PM V-1 (幸町北4号館 433講義室)

座長:梁 俊(大成建設)

[V-376] Performance study of concrete curing material combined of air bubble sheet with nonwoven fabric that generates heat by absorbing moisture

*森島 敏之1 (1. 川上産業株式会社)

Keywords:curing sheet, wet curing, heat insulating curing, air bubbles sheet, nonnwoven fabric that generates heat by absobing moisuture

For good concrete cure,it is essential to keep heat and moisture of the concrete high duringu curing the concrete. This time,we looked at whether the effect for concrete cure of a composite material composed of a material capabel of keeping heat and a material capable fo keeping moisuture be superior to obtained by the respective materials.

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