Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 2:55 PM - 4:25 PM V-2 (幸町北5号館 522講義室)

座長:上田 尚史(関西大学)

[V-57] Tensile fatigue bond test for the surface by using UHPFRC

*松田 有加1、渡邊 有寿1、一宮 利通1、横田 祐起1、牧田 通2、北川 寛和2 (1. 鹿島建設、2. 中日本高速道路)

Keywords:large-scale renovation・repair, highway bridge slab, replacement・reinforcement, Ultra High Performance Reinforced Concrete, bond fatigue caracteristic

Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete is often used for repair or reinforce slab of bridges. We expect that durability and strength of slab are improved by using Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) which has higher durability and strength than SFRC. On the hand, bond strength of construction joint is the most important thing for integrity of slab. Therefore, in this study, we conduct tensile fatigue test, and We got S-N curve by using the test results. By using the S-N curve, we will consider the assesment of slab repaired or reinforced with UHPFRC.

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