Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information


評価・試験方法 (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM V-6 (幸町北6号館 611講義室)

座長:竹田 宣典(広島工業大学)

[V-576] Analytical Study of Effect of Drill Bit Diameter and Drilled Hole Depth on Ratio of Aggregate of Concrete Drilling Powder

*川俣 孝治1、田中 章夫2、木村 祥平3 (1. 株式会社中研コンサルタント、2. 株式会社八洋コンサルタント、3. 三菱マテリアル株式会社)

Keywords:Hardened concrete, Chloride ion concentration, Drilling powder, Cement paste, Aggregate, Component ratio

Chloride ion concentration Measurement using drilling power has attracted attention as a quick and simple method, and has been standardized as the NDIS standard in Japan. However, a concern is that “when using drilling powder specimen, large fluctuations may occur in the test results since the quantity collected is small and the constitutional ratio of the cement paste and aggregate varies for each drilled hole,” and it is suggested that any difference in the specimen collection conditions influences the test results. Here we report the results of our studies using EPMA analysis image while paying attention to the ratio of aggregates in the drilling powder specimen.

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