Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM V-3 (幸町北5号館 523講義室)

座長:河村 隆(信州大学)

[V-70] Study on the influence of test conditions of cyclic torsional shear test on mechanical performance of asphalt mixture

*横田 慎也1、久利 良夫2、澁谷 哲1、ロハニ タラニディ1、好見 一馬3、鎌田 修3 (1. 神戸大学、2. 阪神高速技術、3. 鹿島道路)

Keywords:Cyclic torsional shear test, Asphalt mixture, Loading time, Interval time, Axial load


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