Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 8:40 AM - 10:10 AM V-3 (幸町北5号館 523講義室)

座長:河村 隆(信州大学)

[V-73] Stress dependency evaluation of shear modulus of soils by cyclic triaxial test combined with bender element test

*若月 洋朗1、玉山 大助1、木幡 行宏2、三田地 利之1 (1. 千葉エンジニアリング、2. 室蘭工業大学大学院)

Keywords:Subgrade, Shear modulus, Stress dependency, Bender element test, Cyclic triaxial test

In pavement design based on the theoretical design method, functional pavement design can be performed with a limited budget if the deformation modulus of the subgrade can be accurately understood. In this study, experiments were conducted on Toyoura sand and two alluvial clays with different soil properties using "cyclic triaxial test combined with bender element test (CTX-BE)". As a result of experiments and examinations, it was found that the shear modulus G and the mean effective stress p' have a unique correlation with each other for Toyoura sand and two alluvial clays.

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