Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information



Tue. Sep 3, 2019 10:25 AM - 11:55 AM V-3 (幸町北5号館 523講義室)

座長:坪川 将丈(国土交通省)

[V-83] Survey on Freezing Depth of Concrete Pavement in Snowy Cold Region

*上野 千草1、丸山 記美雄1、木幡 行宏2 (1. 国立研究開発法人 土木研究所 寒地土木研究所、2. 国立大学法人 室蘭工業大学大学院)

Keywords:Cold Snowy Region, Concrete pavement, Freezing depth, Frost heave

Previous studies have revealed that the life of concrete pavement is reduced if unevenness occur on the surface of the roadbed surface due to Frost heave. For this reason, I think that it is best to make it consist of non-freeze material to the freezing depth. At present, a modified Berggren equation using a freezing index is generally used to estimate the freezing depth, but its application to concrete pavement has not been verified. This report reports the results of measurement of freezing depth in concrete pavement and comparison with freezing depth obtained from the modified Berggren equation.

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